Sunday, March 02, 2008

Drawings of The Month (FEB)

For the month of Feb, I was having an enjoyable Chinese New Year, baking and burning cookies and myself along the way. I was so out of control that I didn't pay much attention to my drawings, and as a result, I've failed to meet the quota of 4 per month. In fact, i got only 2 new to show, inclusive a poorly drawn portrait of Brat. By the way, I've remodified the best picture of last month, and I hope that you view it as an improvement. Here's the loot.

Brad, but mouth a bit puffy. Maybe I'm a bit tired. Maybe its the picture. I don't know.

Arsene Wenger. I'm so in love with his wrinkles.

Lincoln after much facial surgery.

Please vote at the right column of the blog!


Phooi Fun said...

not bad not bad.... but i think ur better at drawing old men!!! hehe

fong said...

hey shengcui....i suggest you to draw Mahatma Gandhi for one of your next drawings!

Shengcui said...

Wah, quite tough challenge oh, I try my best, k? He is my hero too and I don't want to draw him too ugly.