Monday, March 31, 2008

Picture of the month(March)

The month that has passed is a breakthrough in terms of me as an art student. After the second art lesson of the month, my teacher said that I should move on from pencil sketching to pastel. Finally!!! I was bloody happy at that time. It is not easy to acquire a technique, let alone master it. And I thought he had just given me a very big encouragement.

Therefore, I became very joyful and felt restless for the next art class, knowing very well that he will teach me everything he know about pastel, just like how he treated other students. And then i was wrong. All he did was dug out one 'How to' pastel drawing book and ask me to read from cover to cover!! Suddenly, i felt that i am on my own. Therefore, for the past month, i have been reading on that stupid book and have not done much...My teacher is bad, isn't he?

Therefore, from now on, I won't be have any polling station because the drawings/paintings that i'm going to generate for these few months are going to be crap anyway.

I've redone brad, and now is without the puffy mouth. But something is still not quite right. Any pointers?

This is Jeffrey Immelt, CEO and Chairman of GE. But this portrait is yet to be completed. Will complete it by the end of this month.

The apple that my teacher asked me to draw out with pastel from memory. Also my first bite at pastel.

My current pastel portrait that I am working on....sigh...

For those who are new to my blog, i've started posting on my progress in fine art to keep myself motivated. So guys and gals, please feel free to leave comments ok? Criticism will be a gift to me.

Stupid Tag

To me, this tag is worse than a 'hukuman'. How come ppl tag me than i must go do geh? Very 无聊hor?

遊戲規則A. 被點到名字的要在自己的blog裡寫下自己的答案, 然後去掉一個你最不喜歡的問題再加上一個你的問題, 仍然組成20個問題, 傳給其他8個人, 列出其他8個需要回答問題的人的名字, 還要到這8個人的blog裡留言通知對方-- 你被點名了, 被點名者不得拒絕回答問題, 完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福.

B. 這8個人要在自己的blog裡註明是從哪裡接到的, 並且再傳給其他8個人, 讓遊戲繼續下去, 不得回傳. 被點到名字的人將會得到大家的祝福, 并且所有美好的愿望都会在不久的将来实现.

1. 每年出國旅遊期望次數?

2. 最近最鬱悶的事?

3. 現在當下你最想念的一個人?

4. 最想珍惜的人/ 事是什麼?
1) 父母,老师及珍惜我的人。学院教授列外。
2) 我的童年以及我和兄弟们在一起的时候。

5. 如果你是1億元彩頭的得主?
肯定会收买整个世界 (尽力而为)

6. 你現在最想擁有的是什麼?

7. 你最想学的外语?

8. 過去十年你最開心的時刻?

9. 戀人/ 老公/ 老婆/ 最好的朋友, 讓你最欣賞的優點是什麼?

10. 如果時光能倒流10年, 你能改變一件事情, 你會做什麼?

11. 你最喜歡自己哪一個部位?

12. 十年以後, 你想過什麼樣的生活? 你打算如何實現呢?

13. 接下來最想去旅行的國家或城市, 為什麼?

14. 如果可以自由選擇, 你最想居住在哪個國家/ 城市?

15. 如果可以, 在無壓力的情況之下你想生幾個孩子?

16. 如果有個很想他/ 她消失的人, 那個人會是誰?

17. 對於現在的環境, 最不滿意的是..

18. 不满意自己的地方(自己的问题)
做事不够沉稳,不够‘快、狠、準’,虎头蛇尾, 容易紧张,在紧张关头时不用脑袋。

19 最想得到却得不了的事物?

Because I am a good boy, and i know how horrendous it is to be tagged, I decree that I rather tag myself again and again than tag other pp, especially my beloved friends. However, if you do have 'SM' habits, you are free to tag yourself. My pleasure!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why Top Gear is the best TV programme ever...

I stumbled upon this on the net today and was thinking about sharing it with all of you. Perhaps, you'll know why Clarkson is one of the most hated guys by british elders...... - Watch more free videos

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Drawings of The Month (FEB)

For the month of Feb, I was having an enjoyable Chinese New Year, baking and burning cookies and myself along the way. I was so out of control that I didn't pay much attention to my drawings, and as a result, I've failed to meet the quota of 4 per month. In fact, i got only 2 new to show, inclusive a poorly drawn portrait of Brat. By the way, I've remodified the best picture of last month, and I hope that you view it as an improvement. Here's the loot.

Brad, but mouth a bit puffy. Maybe I'm a bit tired. Maybe its the picture. I don't know.

Arsene Wenger. I'm so in love with his wrinkles.

Lincoln after much facial surgery.

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